Developmental Activities Program (DAP)

Kapish Agrawal

Class of 2021

The importance of the Developmental Activity Program (DAP) in FLAME cannot be overemphasized. I can easily call it one of the most profound experiences of my life. Not to mention, it was the first of the many to come. For most students and myself, the DAP was the first excursion outside our comfort zones. It put me away from people I knew. And, it gave me a chance to make my own identity. Amusingly, I still find myself keeping in touch with the people I met during my DAP.

Furthermore, the philanthropic aim of DAP makes this first experience extremely inspiring. Unlike elsewhere, we do not start by interacting with people who are embroiled in their own professional life. Our mentors and acquaintances during DAP are passionate and empathetic people. They believe in a particular cause and inspire us to find our own too. The positive experiences with such people have a huge impact on the way we students see the outside world. Not to mention, DAP is a sweet start to the long professional journeys coming our ways.